Strike Team for True Believers
Conservative Hippie Podcast
Conservative Hippie Podcast
Strike Team for True Believers

EP-072 Strike Team for True Believers

I want to help!  That’s the purpose of this podcast beyond cultivating a community of likeminded independents. If you are like me, and you are taking the fire hose of information to the face every day.  It can be hard to follow up on every lead.  It can be hard to check the veracity of every clever meme and quote. But I want to encourage you to dig with an open mind.

We are all trapped in our own social media bubbles of information.  No matter what you think, it’s true. If you are digging, then you are more inclined to look past the first blush narrative of the main stream media.  Corruption and conspiracy are everywhere, and thus we might jump to negative or overt conspiratorial conclusions based on limited information. It’s that next level of digging that is required to verify data and authenticity.

A Hyperbolic Leap Grounded by Common Sense

I have an interesting case study in digging that made me jump to conspiratorial conclusions when the first packet of data crossed my feed.  But in the end, my researched conclusions were much more mundane and even innocent that the original social bubble thread implied.

Here is where I started.  A community member posted a screen shot of an ad for a job in my local area.  The job title is:  Isolation and Quarantine Strike Team Consultant. That’s a pretty heavy job title right there, especially in today’s climate of government mandated vaccinations.  Further reading, the position is for the Quarantine and Isolation Facility in Centralia, Washington.

Indeed Job Posting for Isolation & Quarantine Strike Team Consultants

So wow.  On it’s face, this information seems scary.  Is the government preparing strike teams to force the unvaccinated into a quarantine facility?  Is the camp in the county next door to me? Slow down.  Is the ad real?  Is this a photoshopped piece of misinformation?  Is the quarantine facility real or yet another FEMA camp hidden conspiracy of impending doom?

It gets confusing right?  I’ve been fooled by photoshopped misinformation before.  But I’ve also recently seen lots of evidence of quarantine camp preparations.  There’s a video of Australian government officials showing off their huge quarantine camps in Queensland.

Quarantine Facility in Howard Springs Australia

First thing first.  Indeed is pretty easy to search.  BOOM!  It’s real.  There is an actual job listing for an Isolation and Quarantine Strike Team Consultant. Ok next!  Where is the job?  Where is the Quarantine and Isolation Facility in this small town 25 miles from me?

Spoiler alert:  This is the peak of the conspiratorial slant in the story.  The visceral surface reaction that led immediately to the conspiratorial fear emotion was all washed away through digging further.  You have to dig right?  The reason Trump has been hated for so many years is because people were duped by a flow of emotional reactions from triggering surface content.

Washington State Department of Health Isolation & Quarantine Facility

But there it was! A simple search in Google Maps, and bang, the Quarantine and Isolation Facility showed up pinned on my map. But something was weird. The pinned location showed the Lakeview Inn. I was familiar with this hotel/motel. It’s right off of I5. It’s been closed down for some time, or at least looked out of business.

I dug a little further. The Lakeview Inn was not the rural large camp prison structure I had imagined. Sure enough, there is a local newspaper article highlighting the lease of the Lakeview Inn by the Department of Health for Washington State.

Centralia Washington Quarantine Facility Formerly Located at Summer Camp

Some things aren’t always as they appear.

This is the moment all the hyperbole settled down for me, and common sense took over.

The Lakeview Inn isn’t exactly a dystopian prison camp. It is a 40 bed hotel/motel. The Department of Health is tasked with managing this so called pandemic we find ourselves in. I say “so called” but from their perspective this is a very real and urgent event. Bureaucrats have written the checks, the Department of Health is following through on their mandates. It’s as simple as that.

Where do people from out-of-state go when they get a positive Covid test? Quarantining must be difficult and expensive when you are far from home. I know of a home with multiple generations of family members living together. A younger adult member got the Covid, or at least tested positive. He was poor and couldn’t afford a hotel/motel to quarantine, and couldn’t go back to a cramped space of vulnerable family members. You can clearly see a need for such a Quarantine and Isolation Facility.

And such a facility needs workers. Staff needs to be hired. At the end of the day, I think all the hyperbolic reactions to the Indeed job posting were explained away with a little research and application of common sense. Sure, the title of the job posting is dramatic and poorly worded. But these people are on the front lines, and we are dealing with full blown indoctrinated believers within the bureaucratic health structure. “Strike Team” fits the internal narrative within this organization.

Quarantine Strike Team Duties

So there it is. That’s my take from just applying a bit of research and level headed thought. We need to help each other get past the hyperbole so we can focus on more pressing and pertinent matters affecting our lives and our freedom.

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The post Strike Team for True Believers appeared first on Conservative Hippie Podcast.


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