What is a Conservative Hippie? I created the term to describe myself within the social matrix of labels. It is a turn of phrase from the old political middle phrase “Fiscally Conservative and Socially Liberal.” A lot of people identify with this characterization. But a lot of people are confused and bewildered confronted with the two words put together. I wrote this piece as an answer to the number one question I have have received over the years: What is a Conservative Hippie?
With all the talk of unity and finding ways to bridge the divide between political fringe factions, I’ve always thought there was a solid foundation to start from if we could just get the divisive illusions of conflict set aside. It took me 58 episodes to create this piece defining Conservative Hippie. I hope you take the journey with me on this road of discovery as we build this Conservative Hippie community together. The middle is the majority, and we have a whole lot more in common than our bureaucratic and tech overlords would like us to believe.
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Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
Title: Shattered Paths – Aakash Gandhi
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Mood: Calm
Release: 2018 / October
Link: https://bit.ly/safemusic
The post Introduction: What is a Conservative Hippie? appeared first on Conservative Hippie Podcast.
Interesting, but claiming that you “created the term” conservative hippie is quite a stretch! The idea has been around longer than you have sir.
I don’t think so. It’s a simple term that anyone could come up with on their own for sure. But your negative reply implies its common use. I’ve never seen it commonly used. Please provide more depth of research or understanding with this stance. Recently I came across a guy who calls himself the Hippie Conservative. I thought that was pretty cool to come across.