Fusion Future – The Plan
Conservative Hippie Podcast
Conservative Hippie Podcast
Fusion Future - The Plan

Fusion Future – The Plan

What if I told you there was a plan to eliminate the effects of inflation, maintain King Dollar as the global benchmark in currency, onshore manufacturing back to the United States, and launch the Western hemisphere into a new era of prosperity and peace? And what if I told you all this could be accomplished with one technological program executed by the incoming Trump Administration? All the pieces to our Fusion Future are in place.

Lawrence Livermore Labs created fusion ignition in December of 2022. The test produced more energy output than was input. The long theorized fusion technology was proven. However, a national strategy has eluded the current Biden Administration.

The Technology

Media oxygen for ideas and scientific breakthroughs is tough to come by in a narrative driven world that moves information hour to hour. One large factor in the hidden nature of Lawrence Livermore Labs fusion ignition is a parallel competing fusion technology that has the media power of corporate and foreign interests.

There are two types of fusion energy technologies being developed. One is a smaller form factor reactor that uses magnets, coils, and kinetic motion. The other uses lasers to create inertial fusion energy..

Many entities across the globe are racing to develop the first functioning Tokamak reactor – the type of technology that uses magnets and coils. China, Russia, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and even the Vatican are developing a Tokamak reactor. Here in Washington State, Microsoft recently invested in a local company, Helion, that is at the forefront of private commercial development of fusion energy using magnets and coils in design.

The Fusion Future plan for a national fusion project uses the laser based system developed by the Department of Energy at Lawrence Livermore Labs. It’s natural that the numerous commercial and foreign government projects get all the attention, while the laser based system is relegated to internal DOE press releases. To be clear, the Lawrence Livermore Labs fusion ignition is the most significant proof of concept test in energy production history.

The Fusion Future plan will develop industrial scale giant lasers to create a thermonuclear fusion reaction. This method has been proven, and can be scaled to industrial size capabilities. Think of one industrial fusion reactor powering the entire Pacific Northwest with clean sustainable energy. The Tokamak design using magnets and coils is being developed for small form factor use, like powering tech data centers.

This is a battle of commercial interests versus a big idea for national interests.

The Money

In 2022 John Podesta was put in charge of $370 billion in clean energy investments as part of the Green New Deal. That program morphed into the Inflation Reduction Act. The act created a jobs program based on debt, to supposedly fight inflation, while tackling the climate crisis. $370 billion is a lot of money already budgeted for green new technology. This year that program morphed into the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act. This act allocated $230 billion to change-over all public housing into zero carbon high efficient homes.

Meanwhile, just recently congressional representatives and Lawrence Livermore Labs announced a $16 million boost in funding to achieve the Department of Energy goal of fusion energy commercialization within a decade. Yes, $16 million was touted as a boost in funding to a $630 million fusion budget. And yes, remember the US taxpayers through their representatives budgeted $370 billion in Green New Deal funding that prioritizes windmills, jobs programs based on foreign sourced resources like solar, and high efficiency homes, over advanced laser technology that could change the world. Under current leadership, the United States fusion energy program receives less than two tenths of one percent of the Green New Deal budget.

The majority of funding for plasma fusion labs is run through the NNSA: National Nuclear Security Administration. The NNSA is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S. Department of Energy responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear science. 77% of the funding for Lawrence Livermore Labs comes from the NNSA. Lawrence Livermore Labs states they are aiming for commercialization of fusion energy, but they are funded by a “semi-autonomous agency” with “military application” as its directive.

The money, paths, and mechanisms are in place, but currently politicians fund pet projects and turn a blind eye to “semi-autonomous” DOE efforts.

America First

Follow me into a thought experiment. Please think of sovereign nations and regional cultures across the globe as competitors instead of enemies. Partners instead of allies.

This concept falls inline with the national identity philosophy Donald J Trump laid out in his UN speech in September 2018. A prosperous globe respects the cultural identity and sovereignty of all nation states. The United States has been a global leader in freedom and self governance in the past. The Fusion Future plan allows the United States, and its citizens, to take that lead once more.

For decades the United States has tinkered, repressed, and built foreign nations across the globe. The US economy has been transformed from the quality brand of “Made in America” to a service economy fueled by the underlying activity of foreign nations. These competing economies have risen to a level where cooperation and competition can raise prosperity across the globe like never before, but a strong and prosperous US economy is necessary in this equation.

Our Fusion Future will see the United States regain its brand status as a global manufacturer of innovation and quality. 

This plan is created out of necessity. Reliance on competitors for foundational ingredients has created an insecure supply chain. The virtue of the Green New Deal only survives with the ignorance of environmental effects in foreign lands. The push to build US competitors in the past several decades has created this insecure national security situation; but it also has created an opportunity for decoupling without economic collapse. These economic competitors can survive through new partnerships while the US rises to a new level of economic power. What may seem like a dangerous situation now, will be the building blocks of a thriving multilayered global economic structure in the future.

All this is only created with a global leader that ascends to a new level of economic power. With the Fusion Future plan, once again, the United States will tap its DNA as an innovator and builder within a free society.

The Results

Inflation is eroding the prosperity of the citizens of the United States. The pernicious nature of inflation cannot be destroyed, but instead must be swallowed by an economy. The Fusion Future plan allows the US economy to grow into the current inflationary environment instead of succumbing to it.

This current economic mess was created by the global search for lower cost structures. The United States became too expensive to manufacture within, and consumers became drunk on cheap goods. Global partners were built-out raising the prosperity of their citizens to eventually become competitors.

Abundant clean energy could transform the landscape of economic activity all while satisfying the environmental concerns of global citizens. Manufacturing will find a home again within the borders of the United States. The cheap abundant clean energy will be the cost savings to not only attract corporate manufacturing, but to also grow the US economy into the current inflationary environment.


Born out of the divisive chaos our country is experiencing are selfless citizen volunteers grabbing the wheel of a runaway autonomous electric vehicle. The Fusion Future plan is part of the New Red Deal, developed by Eric Jon Boerner

The structure of US governance has become bulbous with too many factions competing for a slice of the tax pie instead of the prosperity of citizens. The bureaucracy splintered into “semi-autonomous” structures lacking guidance and oversight to maintain mission focus and coordination.

The Fusion Future plan takes advantage of a strong leader like President Trump. This plan gives the Trump Administration the positive turn necessary to galvanize the citizenry behind national pride and ascension.

The New Red Deal is a modern Manhattan Project and Moon Landing wrapped into one clear objective – Industrial Fusion Energy. Eric Jon Boerner ran for US President in 2023 to highlight ideas that can create a prosperous future for the United States outside of special interests. His volunteer spirit leads the way to focus the Federal Government once again on the national interests of its people.

With a strong leader like Donald J Trump as President, and citizen volunteers like Eric Jon Boerner leading within the bureaucratic structure, the United States can vault itself from a Super Power to a Hyper Nation. American exceptionalism will return, and the shining city on the hill will be empowered once again for the entire world to see.

EP Q&A – Timestamp 15:42

Transcript transcribed using AI. Apologies for the missed edits.

JAY : All right. All right, I’m back. Let’s open this up to questions. before I do, I just want to be clear. I sent this produced piece, to a bunch of friends, colleagues, real diverse mix of people and backgrounds and I got a lot of great questions back. One of the first questions I got back referred to the Tokamak design fusion reactor. And I made it clear in that piece and I want to make it clear to start the conversation, this question answer session, that the big idea industrial fusion energy as put forth through a United States program owned by the citizens of the United States, executed by the federal government Department of Energy, is not the Tokamak design that is so popular, being sought after across the globe. We mentioned the Vatican, we mentioned many different countries. One of the biggest private fusion energy plans, or, projects is actually here in Washington state, my state up in Everett, Washington, by a company named Helion. Now, Helion has received major investments up to 600 m million dollars at this point. Remember, in this piece I just produced, we talked about the Biden administration juicing with 16 million. Their overall budget, which doesn’t just go to fusion, is $600m. What did I say? $670 million. So $600 million investment has gone into Helion by people like Sam Altman with OpenAI. Nucor steel has invested in Helion. Microsoft has invested in Helion. So think about this private push. As I stated in the produced piece, is trying to create small form factor fusion reactors, for data centers to power AI, to power a single, steel, power plant, and just to demonstrate that helium, if they become successful, is expected to generate, one. Their first project is expected to generate 50 gigawatts power. Now, understand, one nat gas power plant produces 500 gigawatts power. So we are talking about small form factor, whether it’s with the Helion project or these Tokamak designs. What we are talking about is giant lasers creating that plasma ball at an industrial scale size. All right, now that we got that out of the way, let’s get to these questions.

QUESTION : Nuclear poses a hovering threat to its neighbors and the general public over the prospect of a meltdown. What are the safety concerns of living near this proposed industrial fusion reactor?

JAY: That’s a great question. the nuclear process creates nuclear waste as it splits an atom. When we create this plasma ball that mimics the sun, it is going to be contained. It’s going to be self contained. Essentially, it doesn’t work unless you can contain it. And that’s one of the, technological breakthroughs that are required, to achieve industrial scale is a confinement chamber that will work, but essentially, the byproduct of this process is helium. If, for whatever reason, the fusion reactor shuts down, that’s it. That’s all that happens, it shuts down. There is no outlying danger to the community from the fusion reactor shutting down or having some sort of catastrophic event.

QUESTION: At what point in the future would fusion energy be expected to achieve economies of scale such that it is completely integrated into our lives and then considered a major competitor to the energy industry?

JAY: What a great question. A, complex question for a complex topic. The heart of the question is about integration into our lives. That is a step ahead of where we need to get to first. I like to think of this as we need to get to that pilot industrial scale fusion reactor first. All things will flow after that point. You can think of the way private industry will get involved. You can think of all the infrastructure that will be needed, to be built, in tandem, or at least very soon after the ramp up of that first industrial fusion reactor. So I’ll try to answer the question directly. When I. I used to say, we can get this done within five years, and the experts would say, no, no, it’s like six years. And I held on. I said, no, I think we could get it done in five years. Recently, those experts that used to think it would take longer than five years, now think it can be done within four years. So within this upcoming incoming Trump administration, I think by the end of that administration, I think we can have the first industrial scale fusion reactor online and proven. Then, to answer this direct question, all the integration within life, within our economy, that starts to flow at a rapid pace, because then you need to think of, okay, well, they’ve got a fusion reactor out in the Pacific Northwest, where they barely even need it because they’ve got clean energy sources and hydroelectric dams. We need to get this to the rust belt. Next thing you know, steel, industry is firing back up, making automobiles in America again, making washing machines in America again. And then you think of all these new technology companies, whether it be cloud computing or AI. Bitcoin mining. Right? Trump’s talking a lot about bitcoin lately. Well, how well can you mine? If your energy is free, all of this has to come with major infrastructure packages. All of it is done in tandem with private industry. But the fusion reactor, the technology itself, must be safeguarded and owned by the American people. That way, we own it. That is our technology to lease out to our partners. Okay? Because the competition is coming. the fusion energy breakthroughs in the future in other countries are going to come when we get there first, we will be able to take our country, which infrastructure is stagnant and old compared to, say, let’s say, China, that is already flowing at a rapid pace. Commerce is moving very quickly. They have very technologically advanced infrastructure systems to move people. Now, all of a sudden, we get this advancement, and our infrastructure can advance. Again, we use the term hyper nation. The United States would become a hyper nation, and we would no longer, worry about competing with superpowers.

QUESTION: How do you go from lab to industrial scale?

JAY: How do you go from the lab to industrial scale? That is. That cuts right to the heart of it, doesn’t it? I’ve given up a couple years of my life to try to push big ideas like this forward in this chaotic time we’re living in. This is the big idea. This can transform our country. So how do you do it? I believe it is political leadership that is required right now. Everything is compartmentalized. So everybody’s doing their own little specialty, and they’re all cashing their paychecks, those government paychecks, cash, don’t they? Every time. We need leadership that organizes and directs this compartmentalized bureaucratic structure for excellence and an end result that is tremendous, everything we need is already here. The technology has been proven. It just has to be scaled up. All of the ingredients can be found within the United States of America. And that one of the particular ingredients that I talk a lot about is that innovative, competitive spirit. We need to tap that again. That’s in our DNA as a culture. So how do you get that done? Well, it all started when Eric John Berner ran for president. He picked me up, and we went across the country like two dynamos, getting a positive message across of hope and prosperity in our future, not grift and chaos that we’re currently under. Hanford is a site in the state of Washington that is a Manhattan project site. It is currently a superfund site. There are a thousand people working at Hanford. They have nuclear waste problem there. You can convert that nuclear waste problem into ingredients to create the first fusion reactor right there on site at Hanford legacy Manhattan project site right here in the Pacific Northwest. Washington State, a state known for technological innovation. Really, it’s all there is. Just going to take political leadership, and I’ve been focused on that now for a couple years as I’ve approached members of Congress, potential members of Congress, Joe Kent, for example, in southwest Washington, and future, governor of the state of Washington, Dave Reichert, all of these layers of the bureaucracy, from state executive office, to congressional adjustments through legislation, to the Trump administration, all of them will be working in concert to execute this national strategy that’s going to happen.

QUESTION: Will the consumer benefit?

JAY: This program satisfies so many disparate factions within the United States and our culture. We’re talking about clean energy, clean, sustainable energy, not using foreign sourced bunk technology, but something grown and innovated, technologically advanced within the United States. This rolls into infrastructure upgrades, this rolls into public works programs for better travel within the United States. This rolls into onshoring manufacturing within the United States. I cannot say that the consumers energy prices will go down because there’s going to be costs in terms of the distribution, but in terms of industry and jobs here in the United States, this 100% will increase the prosperity in the United States. So will the consumer benefit? Yes, of course the consumer will benefit. And if you look at the uniting factor that this is, when I first started going around, dropping these seeds with these different politicians, I would try to describe it to them as a weapon. This is a political weapon. I’m in the Republican Party. The Republican Party brand has a terrible image for people that are concerned about climate change. This is a way for the Republican Party to capture its conservationist roots once again. Expose the Green New Deal as the scam that it is, and present the country, with the New Red Deal, as Eric Boerner likes to call it, our Fusion Future, as I like to call it. This captures the attention of so many people and can be the catalyst to unite Americans. Then all of the benefits. Do your own thought experiment. I really like to think about this particular, technological advancement that could come after an industrial fusion scale reactor is built. Think about down in Arizona. They’ve got a water problem in Arizona, if I’m not mistaken, the Colorado river is essentially being sucked dry trying to get water not just to people, but to farms and irrigation. Well, desalinization is a technology that we already possess. Why haven’t we built huge desalinization water plants and pipe that water, into Arizona, create new farm, new farmlands, basically solve this water resource problem. The reason we haven’t done that is because desalinization is a terribly energy intensive process. well, if you go and plant yourself a fusion, an industrial scale fusion reactor down in San Diego, the military gets access to it with their bases, and all of a sudden, you can build an industrial sized desalinization plant and start getting fresh water inland. That’s just one. That’s just one idea that can come do your own thought experiment. You think of something that could come from industrial scale, clean, sustainable energy.

I’m going to wrap up now because I promised myself I would end this at 30 minutes. We’re right at that 30 minutes mark. Now. It’s just going to be terribly important, to get this pushed forward. I believe it is political will that will make this happen. This is a big idea. Do we know anybody? Do we know any egotistical leader that would love to attach themselves to a generationally important technological advancement? That’s the big idea. I mean, I’m sorry, if we’re going to save the country and the world, I’d put a big old T on top of that fusion reactor and give him all the credit in the world. But we need to make this happen. We need to get it up the chain. We need to have all the pieces in place so, so that when we say go, we can meet that four year deadline that we’ve imposed. And I will tell you that there are things happening behind the scenes that I see from my perspective. I’ll give you, for those of you that hung in there this long, in the 31st minute, I’ll tell you something that I’ve seen that I don’t think anybody else in the country, sees from my perspective. One of the heroes of the last decade, to me, somebody who stood for integrity, transparency, honesty and execution of bureaucracy and government, is Admiral Mike Rogers. And he was the head of the NSA. And, when others went to Congress and lied to Congress, Mike Rogers told the truth and he believes in the systems of government, if they adhered to honestly with integrity and excellence. Mike Rogers retired from the NSA, passed it to Paul Nakasone. What does Mike Rogers do to this day? Well, you’ll never guess. Mike Rogers, is on the board of a company, that is working on quantum encryption. So what would we need if we were going to keep a wildly secretive and classified technological program, secure for national security interests? Well, you’d need the next level of encryption, wouldn’t you? Mike Rogers is working on that. Mike Rogers passed the baton at the NSA to Paul Nakasone. If I’m getting his name wrong, I apologize. Paul Nakasone retired from the NSA and now he’s on the board of a company. What company? He’s on the board of OpenAI, Sam Altman’s organization. So again, if we were going to speed, up, meet a four year requirement, reach technological innovations that we still need to execute this at industrial scale. There he is, right in place, to be a part of a highly classified secret government program. Some people might say all the aces are in their places. I’ve traveled the country last two years. I was gifted this insight from Eric Boerner. He’s given up his life, I’ve given up my life in service to the country to try to bring advancement to our republic. We’ve shared this with future Congress people. We’ve shared this with future governor of Washington state where the first pilot, industrial scale fusion reactor will be located if I have anything to do with it. And even in those travels we’ve met with the head of Princeton Fusion Labs, the gentleman who oversees all of the fusion programs for the United States of America. All of the aces are in their places. It’s just going to take leadership to step forward and say GO!


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